

KLUTH cup raisiinsexample 250g bag

Quality: Thompson seedless

Origin: South Africa, Califonia

Description: Blue, unsulphured raisins

Main Areas of Cultivation: USA (California), South Africa, Turkey, Chile

USA (California): The USA (California) is by far the largest producer of raisins. The quality is excellent, as long as the product is delivered by reliable producers. The berry itself is unsulphured and seedless.
Quality/ Size: Thompson seedless, Thompson midgets South

Africa: The product from this area is sometimes preferred to that from California because of better taste. South Africa delivers consistently high quality. The berry itself is large, unsulphured and seedless.
Quality/ Size: Thompson seedless, Thompson midgets

For our trail mix, we exclusively use Thompson seedless, particularly large. We do not use other proveniences than mentioned above.

Raisins are an excellent snack, and often used in baking or in mixes such as trail mix or granola.